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A little bit of gentle duck-bothering as Lucky and Co tuck in to their nutritious Azolla and corn, lovingly made every day by Aunty Isata but 10 seconds in, Shaun - that's right Shaun the Sheep - buts in with a baa to try the Azolla for himself. Nudged off and not very bothered at all Lucky's 13 ducklings continue feasting themselves only for Shaun to return with another baa two and half minutes later evidentally having got a taste for the good green stuff! And Shaun's right - Azolla is so nutritious it can feed sheep and cows just as well as ducks and chickens, for commercial livestock farmers and poultries Azolla can supplement up to 20% of their regular feed, reducing costs and for subsistence farmers Azolla provides a vital 20% nutritional boost for their animals, increasing milk yield and egg laying.


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Sierra Leone Ministry of Finance & Economic Development Registration: NNGO/705/2016-17

Sierra Leone Ministry of Welfare, Gender & Children’s Affairs Registration: MSGCA/VOL: N367/2016
Freetown City ICC Registration: 007/2016 5175

Sierra Leone Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry:  NGO/BV/PL61

Sierra Leone Karene District Council: KneDC/NGO/19/001

Sierra Leone National Federation of Farmers: MAFFSL/CA0067

Sierra Leone Company Registration: TIN 1073356-4/2016

Netherlands Company Registration: KvK 62994182

Netherlands ANBI Registration: 855045462

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© 2015-21  Hope 4 Ebola Orphans Sierra Leone

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