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Tim Sherry


Dancing and singing greeted the launch of a pilot for a new health initiative for young mums and mums-to-be, delivered by the Hope team in partnership with Dutch foundation, Heart of Humanity.

Aiming to support mums in the key months before and after giving birth with some of the things mums in Europe and America take for granted as well as improving access and attendance to antenatal care for vulnerable women. Taking place at the York Community Health Centre, 38 women drawn from five of our local communities, York, Tokeh, John Obey, Big Water and Black Johnson took part.

With eight nursing staff on hand providing health checks and advice the 38 mums-to-be all received their own Baby Box packed full of essential kit to help the pregnancy, which Uncles Mo and Williams helped explain. The project recycles unwanted pregnancy packs and product samples donated in the Netherlands to Heart for Humanity and shipped to Sierra Leone.

Lots of the women shared their experiences and challenges and with many of the mums-to-be facing the uncertainty of a home birth baseline info was collected so we can follow all the young mums’ journeys and design future meets to provide targeted advice for safe pregnancies and safe births, as well as gifts for new-borns.

Thanks to the fantastic nursing team at York Community Health Centre, Isha, Maddie, Rugiatu, Marie, Hawanatu, Mariama, Isatu Douglas and Deputy-In-Charge, Tejan Shaw! 


Follow our journey bringing hope to vulnerable children in Sierra Leone - please and share to raise awareness for Ebola’s Generation and children living with disabilities.

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