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Hope Interim Care Centre passes muster and the kids proudly showing off our new registration certificate from the Western Rural district council just a week after a thorough inspection.

National Coordinator uncle Williams was pleased to welcome Aunty Aminata from the Western Rural district council coming to inspect Mama Mayila's Cradle. The inspectoress liked the look of the home with it's wraparound balcony unlike any other orphanage and was pleased with the large parlour; the separate bedrooms for boys, girls and toddlers, each with their own bathrooms and cupboards and loved the kids kitchen garden with groundbut, maize, plassas and fruit trees which Aunty Animata hasn't seen on such a scale in an orphanage before.

Concluding the inspection the focul person in the district for children's affairs Anuty Aminata said: "I am highly impressed with what my eyes have seen today and I'm really proud of you, keep up the good work!”


Follow our journey bringing hope to vulnerable children in Sierra Leone - please and share to raise awareness for Ebola’s Generation and children living with disabilities.

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