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Mo Bangura


A warm welcome to Manays primary school senior class visiting Hope Sakuma's demonstration farm with their teacher for their first hands-on farming lesson on weeding and mulching.

First the pupils weed plots of maize and pepper putting classroom theory into practice inspecting each plant as they weed to identify pests and disease.

Carrying rice straw to mulch pepper beds the kids learn how this can reduce weeding and watering time by preventing seeds blowing in the wind from settling, as well as stopping water evaporation retaining moisture in the soil after watering.

A traditional and joyful song in Temne as the kids say hello to us and thank Hope Sakuma as they learn we're giving them their own plot next growing season so they can grow the things they love to eat and learn about nutrition and each plants life cycle from seed to harvest as well as how tomake fertilzer from the things mother nature provides.


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women to improve nutrition, food security and climate change adaptation in Sierra Leone.

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