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Hope's Board have called an extraordinary meeting to discuss how to make an extraordinary dream a reality....

The meet's been called to discuss the vision of our treasurer, Dr Frank N'Yama's for every family to keep ducks and for those with no space community duckeries. Volunteers Mo and Tim were on hand to explain the upcoming farmer field school that will deliver Dr N'Yama's dream and the benefits of Azolla one (of many) of which is that ducks absolutely love it!

By happy co-incidence our new communications director is also rearing ducks for Hope Sakuma to help develop a value chain and to complement the Azolla, newly transplanted from Njala, both providing all the nutrients our paddy rice needs to thrive.The meeting also discussed joint plans with Society 4 Climate Change Communications to deliver the Hope Sakuma farmer field school.

Our Board - Chairman Alfred Fornah, Aunty Rose Tiafoe, Secretary and Dr N'Yama, Treasurer - were pleased with the progress made in securing our financial sustainability with the trial of Hope's Sweetie-Sweet cookery baffa and its potential to support Mama Mayila's Cradle and receiving a gift of honey, palm oil and country rice from Hope Sakuma, our sustainable farm in Sanda Magbolontor.

The Board concluded with a unanimous vote of thanks to Aunty Mabinty, Aunty Kadie and Uncle Junior for their dedication and long service and expressed the hop etha they would return after their studies.


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Sierra Leone Ministry of Finance & Economic Development Registration: NNGO/705/2016-17

Sierra Leone Ministry of Welfare, Gender & Children’s Affairs Registration: MSGCA/VOL: N367/2016
Freetown City ICC Registration: 007/2016 5175

Sierra Leone Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry:  NGO/BV/PL61

Sierra Leone Karene District Council: KneDC/NGO/19/001

Sierra Leone National Federation of Farmers: MAFFSL/CA0067

Sierra Leone Company Registration: TIN 1073356-4/2016

Netherlands Company Registration: KvK 62994182

Netherlands ANBI Registration: 855045462

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© 2015-21  Hope 4 Ebola Orphans Sierra Leone

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