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Sierra Leone


The devasting mudslide of August 14th in Freetown, Sierra Leone leaves 500+ confirmed dead, many hundreds unaccounted for and 3,700 homeless children - 1058 under 5 years - in five affected communities and in need of immediate help.

Every day, social workers from CoDWelA are on the ground and we're now delivering fresh fish, vegetables, soap, toiletries to incident command centres for immediate distribution to the five affected communities. Help us do more. 


Donate here and help us raise $5k to provide immediate relief for survivors of the mudslide giving vital food support and keeping a trained social work team in place at a weekly cost of $120.

We've raised $1030 so far and donations received over $5k will be held in a separate account to support credible recovery projects. Local delivery partners, Concern for Deprived Welfare Association (CoDWelA), Hope 4 Ebola Orphans Foundation, School Green Club,Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), Hart voor Afrika.

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A global community providing care for those most in need

"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness

Desmond Tutu

Our Projects

Mama Mayila's Cradle

Our care service at Hope interim care centre for children orphaned by the Ebola epidemic and other vulnerable children entrusted to us by the Ministry of Social Welfare,Gender & Children's Affairs.

Moa Wharf

Kinship fostering support for 60 children in the Ebola devastated Moa Wharf slum community, providing monthly food support, educational support and a monthly welfare check. 


A program supporting CoDWelA social work team in the Waterloo and Kissy Town communities supervising kinship fostering for 450 orphans of the Ebola pandemic.

Hope Village

Our permanent foster village for children affected by the Ebola pandemic - land has been provided by the Government of Sierra Leone and fundraising is on-going

Moa Wharf

Moa Wharf

One of the hard hit areas during the Ebola Epidemic

Cradle Kids

Cradle Kids

Ebola orphans finding shelter and healing

Moa Wharf

Moa Wharf

Many Moa Wharf kids lost entire families to Ebola

Moa Wharf

Moa Wharf

One of the worst slums in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone

Has the most beautiful beaches in the world

Cradle Kids

Cradle Kids

Our ICC houses about 50 Ebola orphans

Data protection statement

We hold sponsors personal information securely and will never share data with third parties, excepting the police and security services in pursuit of criminal activity including fraud prevention and detection and the Ministry of Social Welfare, gender and Children's Affairs for the purposes of safegaurding children..
In addition, all NGO’s working with children and operating in Sierra Leone are required, by law, to pass any long-term sponsors names and contact information to the Ministry of Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs in order to safe-guard children’s interests in the event of the NGO failing.

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