Mo Bangura

Jul 20, 2019


Our trusty 4x4 takes her first official outing for the kids - before you are our non-naughty kids all 5 of them! Past Waterloo to Benguema and a visit to old friend Unlce Bai founder of the largest poultry business in Sierra Leone.

The kids are very happy to look around 26 coups, farmed on the UNDP method but importing feed and chicks from the Netherlands ensuring quality eggs and healthy chickens.

And as farmers and keen gardeners know chicken manure is one of the very best naural fertilizres – perfect for our tomato and pepper demonstration farm and perfect to keep our Azolla in peak health! Hope Sakuma in Sanda Magbolontor.

Uncle Bai makes the kids even happier wih a most generous gift of half dozen eggs each – 72 eggs to bring back to the Cradle! And Uncle Bai kindly agrees to have more of the kids visit during their summer break.components of global warming so better for the environment too!


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women with climate-smart technology to improve nutrition, food security, livelihoods and adaptation in Sierra Leone.
