Mo Bangura

Aug 31, 2021


Our container arrives but not without some palaver. Long story short the container arrives but the crane to lift the container arrives later. Much later. The first crane hired to meet the truck bearing the container from Holland Shipyards breaks down en-route and another is eventually sourced by Alpha, our resourceful Builder which finally arrives but with one truck driver anxious to get on and after manoeuvring in and one or two tries our poor container’s hastily dropped, not on the spot so carefully levelled by the Bangura clan but on top of a tree we were rather keen to save. Frowns all round but at least and long last we have our container in time and in place, albeit at a jaunty angle! Thanks to a kind donation by Holland Shipyards this container will see service storing our building materials and kit for the new interim care centre arriving later this week from the UK.


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