Mo Bangura

Dec 3, 2021


Join us celebrating International Day of People with Disabilities with the Mahanaim kids receiving some party supplies with bumper bags of lollipops and biscuits!

Uncle Williams also brings nutritious parboiled rice and rich red palm oil from Hope Sakuma sustainable farm, cartons of maggi, tomato paste and laundry soap for the kids store cupboard, all thanks to Uncle Ian in the UK and Aunty Deanna in Oz.

And as these resilient kids residing still in their temporary panbody some snaps of the kids new home funded by One Big Family organization and due for completion this coming February.

As well as all the bounty for the marvellous Mahanaim kids Uncle Williams brings 150,000 le cash money to Mahanaim and 50,000 le to Madam Kadiatu Bangura for the Polio Challenge Associations' good work fighting for disability rights in a world still straining from Covid.


Follow our journey bringing hope to vulnerable children in Sierra Leone - please and share to raise awareness for Ebola’s Generation and children living with disabilities.

