Mo Bangura

Nov 21, 2020


Updated: Nov 22, 2020

An amazing donation of 30 pairs of football boots all the way from Oz and presented by a former Leone Stars player what lucky kids! A warm welcome from to Apollo Lawson and first pick and a special presntation to Leo before all the kids take turns choosing from the vast collection.

While the kids try them on for size it looks like Kye’s choosing for style rather than a snug fit!

Apollo’s not just bearing gifts from Aunty Deanna and Uncle Bola he’s also bringing news of the youth football coaching club he runs at Lumley beach every Sunday after Church assessing the kids enthusiasm.

As well as representing his country internationally with the Leone Stars, Apollo’s illustrious footballing career saw him playing pro for Freetown United, Mighty Blackpool, East End Lions, Old Edwardians and Wellington People’s Club. A huge Salone shout out to Aunty Deanna and Uncle Bola and all their friends and community who donated and especial thanks to Aunty Renay’s children and school friends, who've made a of of kids very happy!


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