Mo Bangura

Nov 11, 2020


Updated: Nov 17, 2020

The guys relax in the shade takig a well-earned break from brushing Hope Sakuma's first cassava and cashew farm planted back in 2018 in readiness for the nutritous, drought-resistant harvest benefiting seven villages in Sanda Magbolontor.

The harvest starting early next month will take some weeks to complete with Manays, Ro Gabaran, Ro Gbin, Ro Yeima, Masillah, Ro Rainte and Ro Taine coming together to benefit from their labours knowing we want to boost our farmers profits further by preserving the harvest and adding value by making gari, foofoo and much-prized cassava flour. So the search is on for a quality cassava grater and expert gari maker from Bo!

The guys spend invaluable time restaking our 450 cashew saplings due to start fruiting next year, carefully checking for disease and pests.


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women to improve nutrition, food security and climate adaptation in Sierra Leone.
