Mo Bangura

Jun 16, 2020


This Join the kids celebrating Day of the African Child with traditional drumming courtesy of Barney and Knox and dancing with some really fine moves from Mercy, Leo, Sierra, Sophie, Mya and Alex in the individual freestyle.

This day we commemorate the 1976 student uprising in Soweto, South Africa, where children died on the streets peacefully protesting.

Yet, kids today - 44 years on from Soweto to the day - face the same systemic challenges of inequality and injustice as then finding echoes, every day in every nation around the world but in fragile nations states like Sierra Leone where civil liberties erode daily this is especially so when hundreds of children suffer hunger, malnutrition, child abuse, beatings, female genital mutilation every day.

And we know, from times before, it is the children, children like these, who are most likely to suffer most from a deterioration in civil society and civic norms. Norms the majority of Salone citizens wish to protect and nurture as we wish to protect and nurture our children on this international day of the African child.


Follow our journey campaigning for child rights and bringing hope to vulnerable children in Sierra Leone - please and share their stories to raise awareness for Ebola’s Generation and children living with disabilities.
