Mo Bangura

Jun 13, 2020


Join the Moa Wharf kids giving a jouyous and jumpy about thanks to Unlce Corneius for his kind donation enabling this rice delivery to some of the most marginalized kids in the world.

This month's event at Moa Wharf - one of the most marginalized communities in Sierra Leone - sees Uncle Williams distribute rice to some of the families of the 57 children in our kinship fostering programme.

These children all lost their mums and dads to the Ebola pandemic or live with a disability living with older siblings, grandmas and aunties in one of the most marginalized slum communities in Sierra Leone with regular food support and help with school costs from our Foundation.

More than 2,000 citizens live here in one of the slum communities along the Freetown wharfs that were vulnerable to Ebola and which are now vulnerable to climate change with rising sea levels one of the reasons that Sierra Leone Is the third most vulnerable country to climate change impacts. Our visitors from the USA witness the environmental degradation this community suffers.

Our kinship fostering programme supports a total of 57 children orphaned by Ebola or living with disabilities since the height of the Ebola crisis. Resident Coordinator Mr Bangura k, taking time to ensure the eeps an eye on the kids making sure they're being supported to study while school's are closed for coronavirus and being treated well at home.


Follow our journey campaigning for child rights and bringing hope to vulnerable children in Sierra Leone - please and share their stories to raise awareness for Ebola’s Generation and children living with disabilities.
