Mo Bangura

Apr 19, 2020


This fine pile of peeled cassava is going to trial some small-scale gari production using the traditional Bo method to keep the gari white and crisp.

Project Coordinator Amabest and Hassan oversee the peeling of cassava from Hope Sakuma's small satellite farm at Masillah that provided the sticks for the new cassava farm extension last year.

Meet our artisan gari-maker, Ibrahim, visiting all the way from Bo to show us how to make reknowned Bo gari of the finest quality. First, the peeled cassava is grated by machine, placed in sacks and then pressed - using one of three fantasticly sturdy hand-made presses - removing excess moisture before being lightly and expertly toasted by Ibrahim - the correct oil and exact toasting key to obtaining just the right colour and crackle!

This dry run- producing 200 kg of gari - sees one bag distrbuted to our cassava peelers and three bags stored to send to Mama Mayilas Cradle. It also helps project coordinator, Amabest, estimate how much gari to expect from Hope Sakuma's main cassava farm.


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