Mo Bangura

Mar 29, 2020


The Ladies are out in force cooking up rice and plassas at Hope Sakuma's first farm house ready to feed up the Manays and Makelekos gentlemen after a days work learning and practicing destumping.

The gentlemen are learning that destumping is back-breaking work on this land - unfarmed since the civil war where an old maskenki palm plantation grew.

As well as toiling to clear land for miracle maize, IVS and boli rice the boys discover the rounded mounds of termite hills, the source of the very best material for clay huts, as locals attest from their experiences during the war, huts that were quite literally bullet proof!

The Manays and Makelekos crews take a well-earned rest from their back-breaking endeavours and await their food.

And it's not long before the Ladies bring the food from the farm house to the gentlemen.


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women to improve nutrition, livelihoods and climate change adaptation in Sierra Leone.
