Mo Bangura

Feb 18, 2020


Mama Mayila's proud to make a special presentation 3,750,000 le (£326) on behalf of everyone who supported Miss Lexy's Christmas day sponsored run to Foday James Lumneh, our honoured guest and a youth with promise who's leading by example helping ten disadvantaged children with his Foundation, Helpful Hands.

Miss Lexy's sponsored run to raise funds for Foday's education and Helpful Hands was supported by many individuals, the Azolla Foundation and Westminster Primary Academy.

Foday has such an inspiring story to tell as an amputee overcoming the challenges of his disability every day, excelling on the pitch and playing a stella game of football!

Foday James offers his heart-felt thanks to Miss Lexy, the Azolla Foundation, Westminster Primary Academy, Blackpool and everyone who supported Lexy's sponsored Christmas Day run.

Mama Mayila stresses to Foday the importance of completing his education and makes a presentation of 300,000 leone for the children Helpful Hands supports, 250,000 leone for Fodays' personal support and 3,200,000 leone to complete his education at one of the top schools in Freetown, Minah Academy Secondary, where Foday plans on passing his WASCEs later this year with flying colours!

With the amazing donation Foday's straight out to buy new shoes for some of the disadvantaged kids supported by Helpful Hands.

Foday and the kids offer a heart-felt thanks for Miss Lexy, Westminister Primary Academy in Blackpool, the Azolla Foundation and all the kind people who sponsored Lexy's Christmas Day run raising £326 for Foday's education and Helpful Hands.


Follow our journey campaigning for child rights and bringing hope to vulnerable children in Sierra Leone - please and share their stories to raise awareness for Ebola’s Generation and children with disabilities.
