Mo Bangura

Feb 8, 2020


Our fine Kamasorie blacksmiths turn their expert attention to forging axes and scythes destined for farmers attending Hope Sakuma's Farmer Field School. The handmade bellows heats up furnaces and steel while the artistan smithies hammer away at the red hot metal shaping perfect axe heads and scythes on their anvil as the metal cools and the haft is carved.

While Kamasorie are forging axes and large knives, esteemed project coordinator Amabest returns to Kalainkay to collect the balance of the tools the blacksmiths crafted for Hope Sakuma's upcoming farmer field school.

And what a great job by our artisan smithies - ten small hoes to add to the twenty large hoes already forged and ten harvesting knives fashioned from car parts and all fit for farmers.

Then the artisan-forged tools are carefully packed and hoisted onto a passing transport Sanda bound.


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women to improve nutrition, livelihoods and climate change adaptation in Sierra Leone.
