Mo Bangura

Jan 1, 2020


Don't worry the kids don't have colds but they do have a coded message for you to crack to help guide them and all of us safely into the New Year.

Meanwhile, Leo's looking out to sea past the horizon to see what adventures the turn of the year will bring.

The kids have heard a whisper that there long-held dream of a permenant centre may finally be realized!

It's true -'tho we haven't told the kids yet until building is in progress - thanks to the Sunday Foundation, who've built more than 20 schools in Sierra Leone since 2007, the Foundation plan to build us a permenant centre on our original model of a foster village with small manageable family homes providing move-on accomodation as the kids transition to adulthood.

Finally, Miss Mya leads the kids in 45 seconds of merry mayhem wishing You and every wonderful well-wisher in the World a very Happy New Year and all the best for an absolutely awesome 2020!


Follow our journey bringing hope to vulnerable children in Sierra Leone - please and share to raise awareness for Ebolas' Generation and kids living with disabilities.

