Mo Bangura

Dec 1, 2019


Dedicated volunteer and Hope's esteemed Duck Director, Vidal, carries his precious cargo of ducks and ducklings to Lunsar to make the presentation from our Chair, Alfred, to Hope Sakuma's project coordinator Amabest.

Ducks and ducklings, one male and 6 females in all are en-route to their new home in Sanda Magbolontor at Hope Sakuma’s demonstration farm, where they’ll find Azolla, rich in vitamins and minerals, just the thing to keep them healthy and we hope to breed a hectares worth of duck farms in Sanda Magbolontor next year!

Together with fish to come from Tonkolili, these ducks are key to the unique and beneficial eco system Azolla creates, helping keep pests at bay and their waste providing Azolla with all the nutrients it needs to thrive.

And plenty fish, ducks and eggs means food all the year round including rainy season, reducing food insecurity and improving nutrition in the chiefdom. We’re confident Sanda farmers are going to love the bounteous benefits Hope Sakuma’s rice-azolla-duck-fish-vegetable system will bring!


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women with climate-smart technology to improve nutrition, food security, livelihoods and adaptation in Sierra Leone.
