Mo Bangura

Oct 27, 2019


Azolla's been around for at least 48 million years and so has a very long tale to tell and one shortly to be told by the Azolla Foundation but for now - a nano-second in terms of Azolla's existence - a four minute whistlestop tour of Azola'a journey from Njala university to Sanda Magbolontor, where we're so grateful for Azolla's myriad benefits - helping Hope Sakuma intensify rice production sustainably, reducing our farmers input costs for fertilzier and weeding time and dying back to release nitrogen, just when needed, as the rice sets seed.

Now Azolla's keeping our vegetable seedlings' roots cool and moist and supressing weeds and retaining moisture as dry season comes. When Vidal's ducks arrive from Freetown, we'll have no need to source poultry manure and the ducks will be able to feast on Azolla increasing both weight and laying.

And all the while Azolla's helping subsistence farmers in Sierra Leone it's helping the world fight climate change, absorbing more planet-warming carbon dioxide (CO2) than a hectare of forest or mangrove.


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women to improve nutrition, food security and climate change adaptation in Sierra Leone.
