Mo Bangura

Oct 7, 2019


Kids at Manays primary school take a sneak peak into the principal's office to see what Mama Mayila and the Hope team are up to... busily packing up more folders of essential school kit with some extras spare all thanks to Team Canada's kind collection of donations! Farm manager, Aunty Ayie, Manays Chair, Aunty Fatu, Sendugu Councillor, Aunty Kay, Sanda Magbolontor Regent Chief, Pa Alimamy and the Chiefdom's Speaker - Hope Sakuma's stakeholders and project committee - line up to take part in the grand distribution of school kit, Mama Mayila calls the rest of the kids to join the serried ranks and the table's set....

But before the grand school kit giveaway kids from across the chiefdom welcome Mama Mayila and the Hope team to Sanda Magbolontor wth not one but two new school songs - we're mighty impressed kids!

Then the grand school kit giveaway is underway with folders and the kit to fll them - exercise books, pens, pencils, erasers and rulers. And the Principal offers a vote of thanks to Mama Mayila and Team Canada for making this all possible!

Chiefdom Speaker, Mama Mayila, ​Sanda Magbolontor Regent Chief, Pa Alimamy and Sendugu Councillor, Aunty Kay pose celebrating the grand school kit giveaway. Behind the camera start photographer and husbander of ducks, dedicated volunteer, Vidal.


Follow our journey bringing hope to vulnerable children in Sierra Leone - please and share to raise awareness for Ebola’s Generation and children living with disabilities.
