Mo Bangura

Aug 1, 2019


A drive along the peninsular highway, now more-or-less river, from Hamilton to Tumbu and the centre of artisan fishing to pick up fish for our cookery's first week and also for the centre, improving the quantity and quality of fish for the kids.

After an unfortunate encounter with a very large and very smelly fish that resembles a small shark, necessitating a quick change of clothes, volunteers Tim and Mo meet old friends and pass into the inner sanctum of the market where they see the same fish that slapped Mo. On closer inspection it's a Guitarfish an endangered species. the team negotiate for a blye of good fish including some sweet-sweet catfish, carried back by Mo.

But times are tough for the fishermen and market women. Tuesday's heavy rains flooded both Tumbu and neighbouring Macdonald with 2,000+ people displaced. Hampered by rainy season storms fish is tight, not so readily available and the fishermen have a complaint new regulations mean they have to buy new nets but forbidden to fish they are without the means to buy the new nets.

On the way back the team source some coal, palm oil, cassava, okra, binch (beans) and jakato (aubergine) to be shared between the cookery and Mama Mayila's Cradle.


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