Mo Bangura

Jul 25, 2019


We always encourage our volunteers to come up with ideas, so, imagine our collective surprise at a volunteers offer of free premises to try a pop-up cafe, flying the Hope colours!

We've long wanted to open somewhere we can showcase our farm products from Sanda Magbolontor, somewhere we can provide good value plates of nutritous food to people in need of a hearty meal and some way of financially independantly supporting our programmes.

A quick site visit the same day and, by the looks of it, this rather down-at-heel kiosk for selling groceries and the like is very much in need of some TLC.

But this kiosk is going to need more than a lick of paint and a new roof so we'll review the business plan and works schedule and see what we can magic up. In it's favour 'tho, the kiosk is in a really prime location at a popular junction and we wait to be impressed by how our friends will manage to squeeze a full-size cafe in this space!


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