Mo Bangura

Jul 15, 2019


Looks like our first IVS rice paddies are filling up with the rains and our nerica rice seedlings are being transplanted to our second paddy! The Makelekos all-stars have done a fine job ploughing and tilling these plots by hand.

Now all we need is some Azolla the miracle rice fertilizer to start our IVS demonstration farm and research the benefits of natural fertilzers. We're fortunate to have developed two supply chains for some key components, chicken manure from our friend Uncle Bai and dried blood, fish and bonemeal from Moa Wharf, where we can enhance livelihoods for foste rfamilies in ourkinship fosterin programme.


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women with climate-smart technology to improve nutrition, food security, livelihoods and adaptation in Sierra Leone.
