Mo Bangura

Jun 26, 2019


Mama Mayila and the team disembark from the ferry to the shores of Sanda Magbolontor Chiefdom with a smile, an ever-present gimlet-eye and a purposeful stride clearly Mama Mayila's ready for action! Not just a big stakeholders meet to talk sustainability but a trip to the Worreh Line Fula to visit friends and talk livestock development and then to Makatay to pick up some of the honey being carefully stored by cousin Foday.

Hope Sakuma receive the blessing of the Regent Chief of Sanda Magbolontor and other key stakeholders for our approach of empowering women to boost yields, nutrition and livelihoods sustainably at a well-attended meet in chiefdom capital Sendugu. Mohammed from JICA commended Hope Sakuma's plan to intensify rice production sustainably.

Alfred and Vidal from Society 4 Climate Change Communications came along to talk to the big stakeholders meet about the impact of deforestation and climate change's impact on agriculture and commended Hope Sakuma farmers for diversifying into drought-resistant crops - practical steps to climate adaptation.

Everyone had a chance to have their say and during the discussion about transparency and overcoming challenges two more farmers bravely came forward to report financial abuse and fraud - one poor farmer being owed 11 million leones. The Regent Chief and councillor promised to take the case up and kick out corruption in Sanda Magbolontor chiefdom.


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women to improve nutrition, food security and climate change adaptation in Sierra Leone.
