Mo Bangura

Dec 18, 2018


Volunteers Hassan, Andrew and Marlon bring some of the villages on the waiting list to join Hope Sakuma some good news! The farm's executive board have agreed to 15 more villages joining to develop 15 inland valley swamps to plant much-prized Nerica rice.

Members from Kamalo, Patful Titikel, Roghenty, Madine and Rogbst each receiving 3 pans and 3 shovels each to develop 15 inland valley swamps and plant three varieties of prized Nerica rice in Sanda Magbolontor Chiefdom. And we've just had some great news discussions with JICA, the respected Japanese NGO are bearing fruit and we hope to see their IVS specialist coming to train some of the women from each group in the new year in specialist rice care.

Members from another five of our new villages - Magbolontor, Komneh, Robomp, Forakaria, Mamalay each receive 3 pans and shovels, some in a group shot at one of the distributions in Magbolontor village. There's 10 men and 20 women in each farming group - we try and embed gender equality in from the beginning - and these farmers really need more tools.

Long-time readers will remeber our enthusiasm for the wonderful Nerica, developed in Sierra Leone for the different Salone terrains - it's pest and disease resistant, the seed keeps its characteristics when replanted and it can be harvested 3 times a year. We've been working hard and the two bushels planted last year are now 15 bushels - one for each swamp - we think this is a great way to quickly reach our goal of feeding Sanda and vulnerable children in our interim care and kinship fostering programmes. If you think this is a great idea too then please share our sustainable farming journey and if you can please give and help us buy more seed and tools - just $40 buys a village group 10 shovels or 10 pans and just $25 buys a bushel of Nerica rice to plant:

You'll receive a thank you from the kids at Mama Mayila's Cradle and a thnak you from the ladies of Hope Sakuma.


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women with climate-smart technology to improve nutrition, food security, livelihoods and adaptation in Sierra Leone.
