Mo Bangura

Sep 15, 2018


Taking on another environmental mission, our Secret Squirrel Squad join Freetown citizens, Government Ministers, the Mayor of Freetown, the European Union Ambassador and British High Commissioner to clean up Lumley Aberdeen Beach, taking part in an EU sponsored big beach clean up to beat plastic pollution on World Clean Up Day.

Speaking afterwards Miss Mya agreed with EU Ambassador, Tom Vens:

"Uncle Alfred told us all about plastic pollution and how it can enter fish and our food when we cleaned up our local beach at Hamilton on World Environment Day."

Meanwhile, Miss Katie echoed Freetown City Mayor:

"And Uncle Alfred showed us how there's not so much cleaning needed if we don't drop our dirty and water plastic in the first place"

You can see Miss Mya and Katie, Barney and Knox - who were lucky enough to get their own EU Beach Clean Up t-shirts - smiling with Tom Vens, EU Ambassador and Uncle Alfred from the Society 4 Climate Change Communications who helped organize todays event with the School Green Club and the Climate Change Consortium and enjoying the refreshments after all the hard work!


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