Mo Bangura

Aug 19, 2018


As you can see rather well! Those Sierra Leone rich fertile boli land rewarding the 40 bushels of rice sown just 6 weeks ago and looking lush and green as far as the eye can see! Farm Manager Andrew explains he'll need the help of 40 women to pull the grass (weed) from the rice at the end of the cassava programme planting a mile of cassava.

A third of this harvest will go to the community, a third saved as seed to increase the next planting and a third to feed vulnerable children in our interim care and kinship fostering programmes. Although we had the help of a tractor this is now in need of repair again and we know harvesting this vast amount of rice by hand is going to be hard work this year!

The seven villagers have made a plea for a tractor for next year so we can expand our planting and the number of rural communities we help and make life a bit easier. We'll also be able to generate a small income from renting the tractor out to neighbouring communities so if you can, please give to our Farming Fund and if you can't please share!


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women with climate-smart technology to improve nutrition, food security, livelihoods and adaptation in Sierra Leone.
