Mo Bangura

Jul 29, 2018


Mama Mayila looks back at her favourite moments from the past year as she introduces Hope's annual report and activity plan with some solid successes and the things she is most proud of - from delivering vital help to survivors in the first, critical, 72 hours of last August's tragic mudslide; campaigning for girl rights; achieving NGO status and launching our sustainable farming co-op, inspired by Dr Richard Munang and harnessing the power of innovative volunteerism to empower rural women, improve livelihoods and food security for 7 communities and our interim care and kinship fostering programmes, operating in one of the most marginalized communities in one of the least developed nations, Sierra Leone.

Our annual report and activity plan are aligned to the Ministry of Social Welfare, gender and Children's Affairs alternative care policy and to the United Nation's sustainable development goals and our activity plan has been refreshed thru to 2019 with traffic light monitoring of targets, updated quarterly.


Follow our journey bringing hope to vulnerable children in Sierra Leone - please and share to raise awareness for children with disabilities and Ebola’s Generation.
