Mo Bangura

Apr 8, 2018


Visiting journalist Víctor Escribano Calderón, from Agencia EFEAs sets out how survivors of Ebola in Sierra Leone still suffer:

"The millions of dollars of international aid never reached the truly affected, who suspect a government that began to look the other way as soon as foreign foci moved away from the area, although organizations like the Red Cross also detected embezzlement among their ranks."

Mama Mayila took the opportunity to highlight the plight of Moa Wharf community, still suffering the consequences of Ebola to Víctor, from Agencia EFE, the main Spanish language news agency, making contact with organizations on the ground to follow up on post Ebola recovery.

Victor interviewed many care-givers in our kinship fostering programme and witnessed first-hand their desperate living conditions.

Mama Mayila, Director of Hope Foundation which has been working in Moa Wharf since the height of the Ebola crisis in 2015 explained:

"Victor was very taken aback that human beings have to live like this in the 21st century and was truely amazed at these people's resilience."

This two minute video has some great footage of Moa Wharf and the plastic pollution and desperate living conditions this slum community endures daily.

Article and video rposted courtesy of Agencia EFE.


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