Mo Bangura

Feb 6, 2018


A most generous donation from the diaspora-led Richest Minds group of health, social care and housing professionals and Aunty Wara Fasaluku was accompanied by some equally generous words of encouragement from Aunty Fatmata Lahai for Mama Mayila and her team and some very kind words for the children, our future leaders, earns much applause from the kids at Mama Mayila's Cradle and the team at Hope!

So, Aunty Fatmata came to Mama Mayila's Cradle and she brought..... a carton of noodles...2 giant boxes of English tea....2 cases of baked beans....some shirts....some party hats....a whole bag of cuddly toys and some exercise books. And wouldn't you know it - it was the exercise books that garnered the greatest cheer from the kids!

Aunty Fatmata also gave the kids a huge £50 donation from Richest Minds and a further 500,000 Leones from Aunty Wara Fasaluku (both cash donations safely paid into Hope's bank account, as all cash donations are). Thank you guys!

The kids were later presented with exercise books from Aunty Fatmata and the Richest Minds Group!


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