Mo Bangura

Oct 5, 2017


It is with such sadness that we mark the passing of Baby Patience who died yester evening on her way to Cottage hospital because of respiratory problems caused by her compromised immune system.

Baby Patience came to us last September abandoned and suffering from hydrocephalus a condition which untreated limits a child's life expectancy to around two years.

She was such a sweet natured child for all the pain she endured and so full of character. All the kids at Mama Mayila's Cradle were so protective of Baby Patience and she was settling in so we'll at at Manahaim House where she received 24 hour care from two dedicated care-givers as you can see from the pics taken on Monday when the team visited.

Sleep on Baby Patience you know we llove you but God loves you best and has chosen you to be at His side instead of at ours. Your life was too short but you will live a long life in all of our memories.
