Mo Bangura

Nov 21, 2015

A New Voice 4 Ebola's Generation

A New Voice 4 the Ebola Generation

Our new non-profit Foundation launches today with a new blog for Ebola’s 12,000 children in Sierra Leone like brothers Sam and John, pictured.

A new voice for the Ebola Generation. On weekdays we’ll feature fresh Blogs from our Team the ground in Moa Wharf (Freetown, Sierra Leone); Blogs on issues that concern us and Blogs from some of our older kids, like John too!


On Saturdays we want to show our solidarity with other causes. To give a voice to others who stand with us, as we stand with them.

If you follow us on Twitter @4EbolaOrphans already - even if you don’t use Twitter you can find it right here on our social media stream - you’ll know we’re all about giving credit to others and we’re generous in our praise because we know our cause is one amoungst many.

So on Saturdays we’ll throw open our Blog to guest bloggers from other charities and communities. We’ll even turn it over to YOU if you want to join the conversation – any takers get in touch!

Sunday’s Special

And on Sundays - starting this Sunday with our co-founder Mama Mayila Yansaneh - we’re giving a voice to some of our Elders - a new voice to inspire the young!

Giving our Elders a new voice - a platform on social media – like a weekly newspaper column (our Blog) rotating between elders – so they can pass on wise advice. Using their stories to guide the young; inspiring others in their field to help and giving messages of hope to the Ebola generation.

We always welcome suggestions for new guest authors and articles so, if you know someone who has something to share, please get in touch

Get on board – join John’s campaign!

Follow Sam and John's journey from the beginning ❤ Sam and John's Cause to raise awareness for Ebola’s 12,000 children like Sam and John, pictured, Ebola’s Generation.
